Canellini Beans LEWSANDSON

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LEWSANDSON Canellini Beans


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Canellini Beans

Наименование: Canellini Beans
Бренд/Производитель: LEWSANDSON,
Категория: Staples,
Статус: Parve
Символ: Kosher Australia
Источник информации: Lewis & Son ()
Дополнительная информация:

Apart from being a popular Tuscan ingredient, the fat, tender beans can tantalise any taste bud with their intense sweet-nutty aroma, which drifts from your kitchen out into the street. When cooked, cannellini beans have a fine texture and mild flavor. Creamy white in colour, the beans are tasty with a mix of olive oil and spices, which seep through the legumes' thin shells. They can be added to Swiss chard and soups. They blend well with chargrilled swordfish, lamb sausage, green leafy vegetables and can be made into a creamy dip. High in protein and low in fat, cannellini beans can be used as a meat substitute, or whisked into the purée, perfect for a breakfast smoothie to keep you bright eyed and bushy tailed for the rest of the day.

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